“Cloud Approach for Innovation in Public Services” – CLIPS („Инoвaтивaн приступ пружaњу jaвних услугa крoз рaчунaрствo у oблaку“ )

The City of Novi Sad is one of 12 partner organizations from five European countries (United Kingdom, Italy, Germany, Serbia and Spain), which has been approved under the CIP Program of the European Union to finance the CLIPS project - Cloud Approach For Innovation In Public Services.
The project envisages pilot projects in each participating country, i.e. to develop a new approach to public service delivery through the use of cloud computing, a new technology that enables users to access information online regardless of location. CLIPS's main idea is to develop a methodology and tool that will enable citizen users and other stakeholders, in future, to participate in the development of new cloud public services.

Through the implementation of five pilot projects in five cities: Bremerhaven (DE), Lecce (IT), Novi Sad (RS), Santander (ES) and Stockport (UK), the project sought to demonstrate how cloud-based services can be used for the benefit of the citizens, for the sake of ease of perception, a fictional scenario of a family moving from one Member State to another was used, with typical complexities that would be implied in such a case. Considering administrative requirements such as filing for utilities, schooling, local taxes, social security, etc., all through the use of cloud-based infrastructure, CLIPS's primary goal is to demonstrate how cloud computing can improve efficiency and the provision of public services.
The project is funded by the European Union, with a donation value of EUR 38,700 for the City of Novi Sad and EUR 36,200 for the Public Utility Company "Informatika", with project duration of 30 months.

For more information please visit: https://ec.europa.eu/digital-single-market/en/clips-project-cloud-public-services