City Commission for Holidays, Awards and International City Cooperation gave its recommendation that, starting from this year, first week of April marks Youth Safety Week in Novi Sad, as well as to organize a range of activities in order to promote its significance. The recommendation has been adopted by the City Assembly. Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Miloš Vučević, together with the Member of the City Council in charge for Education Mr. Vladimir Jelić, MSc, and the Member of the City Council in charge for Youth and Sports Mr. Predrag Svilar, attended the education class at the Mileva Marić Ajnštajn, followed by the firefighting training exercise presented by the members of the Novi Sad Emergency Situation Administration. The presentation was given as part of the Youth Safety Week in Novi Sad program.
- By adopting the Decision and declaring the first week of April to be the Youth Safety Week in Novi Sad, City Assembly has finally corrected a several year-long oversight, thereby clearly stating its dedication not to forget the tragic incidents during the last 15 years in the area of firefighting safety. After years of bitter experience with fires at various establishments in Novi Sad, we are finally sending out a clearly defined and institutionalized message that one must lead active policy in the field. This is a concrete action for the purpose of prevention, and I am particularly glad that the Novi Sad Emergency Situation Administration organized this for our young citizens. It is precisely our youth who most often visit various establishments and events, such as hospitality establishments, stadiums, sports events, etc. Although this particular action is very well planned and one excellent measure, we cannot stop here, because giving one lecture and distributing educational leaflets today cannot suffice, we cannot only talk about these things on April 1st or during the first week of April. We must take special care that these matters are addressed continually throughout the year. I would also like to extend my most sincere gratitude towards the families of the “Contrast” victims, who suffered great losses, for their encouragement and support to discuss these matters even more openly and clearly. The fact that the National Assembly adopted “Tamara’s Law”, and that the City adopted the Decision on Youth Safety Week in Novi Sad – meaning that the first week of April is dedicated to Youth Safety in Novi Sad – clearly speaks of the high-quality communication and cooperation between the institutions and all groups and individuals ready to actively participate in changes, for the purpose of future benefits for the whole community. – said Mayor Vučević.
Head of the Novi Sad Emergency Situation Administration Mr. Dragan Cvetićanin emphasized during the presentation given by the Milena Marić Ajnštajn Secondary Technical School the elementary principles of fire protection and prevention, followed by the practical demonstration exercise given at the school yard, where they simulated firefighting procedures by applying fire extinguishers.
In Novi Sad, April 1st 2015