In his address prior to the City Assembly session, Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Мilоš Vučеvić said that a large part of today’s agenda is related to the city planning documentation in order to provide better conditions for investors.
- I advocate construction endorsement in Novi Sad, but in the way which would not violate or disturb the architectural heritage. At least while I am the Mayor, Novi Sad will never be put into wrapping paper and declared a success. During my first conversation with the Ambassador Kirby, he told me he did not see enough cranes and constructions sites in Novi Sad, and for them this is the first indicator whether a city is developing or not. I see that the concept here is not to build, and questions are raised about the number of floors, although I believe this matter should be left to experts, urban planners, to judge and comment whether something is in accordance with urban plans and the law. I believe we should feel encouraged if we have announced investments of several dozen million Euros in Novi Sad. During today’s session, we will see from reports from our public utility companies that some of them are on the right path, but we will also see that the situation in PUC ‘Stan’ is rather dramatic – said Mayor Vučеvić.
He also stated that the results achieved so far depend heavily on how much these companies’ managements followed the instructions they received from the City, from the Mayor, from the Working Group, since those that persevered in implementation of these complex and unpopular measures are now in much better situation. Mayor Vučеvić expressed his pleasure that from today the Member of the City Council in charge for Budget and Finances will be a woman, an outstanding expert, who until now had been the Head of the City Tax Administration – Ms. Aleksаndrа Rаdаk.
In Nоvi Sаd, September 25th 2015