Within the “Gitarijada Vojvodine” Music Event held on September 11th and 12th at the “Tatre” Football Club Stadium in Kisač, the audience was presented with photographs of the 1970 rock bands, taken by Mr. Zоrаn Vеsеlinоvić. The opening of the exhibition was attended by the Head of the Mayor’s Office Mr. Aleksаndаr Pеtrоvić, who expressed his pleasure that the “Gitarijada”, after 40 years, is organized once again in Kisаč.
- In the 1970s, Novi Sad was well-recognized for its rock concerts and festivals. I belong to a generation of people who remember the famous “Bum” Festivals, gathering bands from the whole former Yugoslavia, and which were talked about for years. This exhibition is taking us back to those times and I am very glad that, by virtue of photographs, older generation has the opportunity to remind these times, and younger generations have the opportunity to learn about the bands which were very successful at the time, while many of them are still actively performing even today. – said Mr. Pеtrоvić and added that the City will continue to support this event, as well as other manifestations in Kisač, in order to decentralize culture and make it more accessible to all citizens.
The author Zоrаn Vеsеlinоvić, a native of Kisаč, has been living in London for the last 15 years, where he works at the world-famous “Abbey Road“ Studio as a sound engineer. He also works as a concert photographer and is a member of the “Retna” London Photo Agency. The exhibition saw exclusive photos of world and domestic rock bands, taken during the 1970s.
During the first day of the “Gitаriјаdе Vојvоdinе“ Festival, the competition of unacclaimed bands was held, won by the “Sink”, while the second-placed was won by the “Drnč”, followed by the “Next Codex”.
Along the photo exhibition, on September 12th, the visitors will have the opportunity to see the rare records and magazine exhibition. The official program starts at 7 PM with the performance of the 1970s bands, followed by the “Sink”, the winner of the “Gitаriјаdе Vојvоdinе“, who will be handed the official prize by the Member of City Council in charge for Culture Mr. Vаnjа Vučеnоvić. Due to the excellent cooperation of the organizer and the “Vojvodina” Broadcasting Company, the winners will have the opportunity to record their song at the M Studio. For the closure of the festival, the “IN3PМ” from Novi Sad and the legendary “Riblја Čоrbа” will appear.
In Novi Sad, September 12th 2015