Member of the Novi Sad City Council in charge for Education Mr. Vladimir Jelić, MSc, together with the Head of the Mayor’s Office Mr. Aleksandar Petrović, received today the “Dositej Obradović” from Novi Sad and “Selnica na Dravi” from Selnice na Dravi, Primary School delegations. The visiting delegation from Slovenia, headed by the principal Ms. Jožica Ozmec, are returning the visit to the Novi Sad school, since it is pupils and teachers from “Dositej Obradović” who spent a week in December last year in Slovenia.
- This is the first one such cooperation between a school in Novi Sad and in Slovenia, and it should certainly serve as an example to others. City of Novi Sad encouraged this initiative and supported it by providing transport for the pupils and teacher, and we are much delighted for having the opportunity to host and accommodate our guests from Slovenia, which only speaks of the continuation of our fruitful and successful cooperation. – pointed out Mr. Jelić, MSc.
According to the “Dositej Obradović” Primary School principal Mr. Stanimir Paunić, cooperation with the Slovenian school will continue at mutual satisfaction and benefit.
– During the six-day stay in Slovenia, our children enjoyed with their peers and had excellent time, and now we have the opportunity to return the hospitality, be good hosts and to show our guests our city’s cultural, historical and other important landmarks. – added Mr. Paunić.
In Novi Sad, April 20th 2015