Member of the City Council in charge for Utility Affairs Mr. Vladimir Stojković attended today the Panel Discussion held within the ‘Biciklana Fest’, organized by the ‘Novi Sad Bicycle Initiative’.
- Development of bicycle traffic is of exceptional importance for Novi Sad, particularly if one considers that a lot of our citizens use bicycles as their primary means of transportation. Novi Sad has 80 km of cycling lanes and boasts the largest municipal cycling network in the country. It is one of the reasons why the City will repair all deficiencies on these lanes, traffic signs will also be repaired, and we are also planning construction of new lanes, such as the Begeč route, i.e. the Route 6 – pointed out Mr. Stojković.
At the Panel there were also participants from the Netherlands Embassy, Autonomous Province, Agency for traffic safety, as well as from numerous other relevant institutions. Representatives of the ‘Novi Sad Bicycle Initiative’ underlined the importance of interdepartmental cooperation and good infrastructure when discussing cycling and cycling traffic development, which is why they organized the “Biciklana Fest” with the aim to gather all those who can make their contribution in future development.
In Novi Sad, August 29th 2015