Head of the Local Economic Development Office of the City of Novi Sad, prof. Marijana Dukić Mijatović, PhD, held a meeting with the Economic Council of the City of Novi Sad representatives where they were presented a Certification Program of a favorable business environment in the South-East Europe, as well as the Sustainable Development Strategy of the City of Novi Sad, together with new incentives of the PC ”Public Enterprise for the City Construction and Development Novi Sad” which have been provided in accordance to the new Law on Planning and Construction.
- City of Novi Sad has been continuously committed to becoming a favorable business environment as well as to attracting investments that would contribute to a better economic picture and solving of the problem of the unemployment. The Certification Program of the favorable business environment provides clear guidance to municipalities on how to implement internationally recognized standards of the effective and transparent local administration and to entrepreneurs and investors it provides the standardized mechanism for assessing local business conditions. Likewise, today we are going to acquaint the Economic Council with the importance of the Sustainable Development Strategy of the City, as well as with their relevance in relation to the work of the Partnership Assembly on the development of this crown document - prof. Marijana Dukić Mijatović, PhD, said and added that it is a comprehensive plan that will allow the project budgeting and strategic implementation of the most important goals for the City's development in all vital areas.
The meeting was, among others, attended by a Secretary of the Economic Council of the City of Novi Sad Mrs. Olivera Simović, and representatives of the National Alliance for Local Economic Development (NALED), which is responsible for the implementation of the Certification Program of a favorable business environment.
Mrs. Olivera Simović explained that, in accordance with the new Law on Planning and Construction, PC ”Public Enterprise for the City Construction and Development Novi Sad” has brought a Decision on determining the construction land development contribution. According to this Decision, investors get a 30% discount on contributions paid at one go. For construction of facilities significant for the City’s economic development, contribution paid at one go can be additionally discounted by up to 30%, with the consent of the City Council and on the proposal of the committee established by the City Council.
NALED’s Executive Director, Mrs. Violeta Jovanović, said that it is very important to have good communication with the largest entrepreneurs comprising the Economic Council of the City of Novi Sad and stressed that the process of certification of a favorable business environment requires that local self-governments take the necessary measures in order to have the best quality and more favorable services for the economy, in addition to the availability of information and a simplified and efficient procedures.
Novi Sad, 16th April 2015