In today’s Studio B edition of “Good Morning, Belgrade”, the Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Мilоš Vučеvić spoke of current social and political topics. He said that there is still no influx of migrants to Novi Sad, but that the citizens of Novi Sad show their solidarity through numerous humanitarian relief efforts and actions organized by various civil organizations. Commenting on the topic of a recently published photography which overwhelmed social networks these days, depicting a Serbian policeman holding a child in his arms, Mr. Vučеvić marked that this is the true picture of Serbia, which contributed to a positive 180-degree media turn in representation and image of Serbia in the world.
Discussing his point of view regarding the compromising footage of Ivica Dаčić with Rоdоlјub Rаdulоvić, Mayor Vučеvić said that the main ruling on this, as well as on other similar topics, is on the Prime Minister of Serbia.
- The most important opinion is the one of the Prime Minister, since he is the one who got our citizen’s support to form the government. As the main bearer of political activities, he is answerable to the citizens. I agree, however, with the Minister Stеfаnоvić, when saying that it is not the question of why the footage surfaced, but rather why it came to one such meeting. My expectation is that in the forthcoming period numerous questions regarding this case will be answered. – pointed out Mr. Мilоš Vučеvić.
Mayor of Novi Sad expressed his expectation that the conclusion whether there will be early elections, is reached in a democratic discussion, soberly, and with arguments.
- A few of us from the Serbian Progressive Party proposed December 20th as the term for regular provincial and local elections, since at that time we would be within the last 6 months of the current term. This has happened before in Serbian political practice, these are regular, full-term elections, and there is nothing unlawful or unconstitutional about it. It is evident, however, that Bojan Pajtić finds every hour he spends on the position he has been for the last 12 years, of vital importance, while the Democratic Party has been in power in Vojvodina for the last 16 years. It is difficult then to understand when they give lectures as to when and what should be done, while they themselves have ruled for so long and we witnessed numerous affairs happening throughout all those years. – emphasized Mayor Vučеvić.
Mayor Vučеvić also said that construction of the Road-Railway Bridge in Novi Sad is a matter of national importance, and expressed his expectation that, following the allocation of additional funds which are not insignificant for the City, the contractor will accomplish continuity and that the extended deadline for completion of works will be met.
City of Novi Sad allocates over 11% of its Budget for the purpose of its preschool institution, which is definitely the largest single allocation of funds. This year we enrolled the record-breaking 16 000 children, we are the first municipality in Serbia to subsidize accommodation of our children in private kindergartens, and we have 24 contracts with private kindergartens so far. – said Mayor Vučеvić and added that despite all the investments some 1500 children are still not enrolled. In his opinion, it is more profitable for local self-governments to finance education in private kindergartens than to expand capacities of the existing state-owned ones.
In Novi Sad, September 10th 2015