Mayor Milan Đurić received H.E. Jaewoong Lee, the Ambassador of the Republic of Korea in Serbia, at the City hall and wished him a wam welcome.
In the course of the discussion with the Ambassador, Mayor Đurić gave a presentation on the features and potentials of Novi Sad and indicated his willingness to work with Korean businesses that are interested in investing or conducting business in Serbia, specifically in Novi Sad. Thanking for the warm welcome, Ambassador Jaewoong stated that he would like to expand commerce between Korea and Serbia and that one of his work goals is to introduce Korean entrepreneurs to business prospects in Serbian cities.
The Mayor expressed his satisfaction and appreciation for the Prefeasibility Study of the Smart City system which was prepared in the middle of last year, owing to the participation of specialists from the Korean Development Institute, in a unique initiative with the City of Novi Sad.
The interlocutors expressed excitement about the prospect of advancing the official establishment of collaboration between Novi Sad and Busan, the second-largest city in Korea, in order to achieve reciprocal prosperity in the domains of the creative industry, economy, sports, and education.
Ambassador Jaewoong Lee emphasized that during the day he will also visit the Faculty of Philosophy in Novi Sad, where Korean language is studied, pointing out that science and education are of great importance for the rapprochement of the two nations, as well as the basis for further cooperation between the Republic of Serbia and the Republic of Korea.
At the meeting, possibilities for further development of cooperation between the Embassy and the City were also discussed, and it was agreed that the friendly dialogue will continue through the implementation of concrete activities in several fields in the future, mainly in the fields of culture, economy and tourism.
Novi Sad, 23rd February 2024