Members of the European Parliament's Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee (SAPC), chaired by Eduard Kukan are in their two-day visit to Serbia and on the occasion of the Third Meeting of the European Union and the Republic of Serbia they visited Novi Sad, where they were joined by the members of the European Court of Auditors.
Novi Sad Mayor Miloš Vučević, together with the Head of the Local Economic Development Office prof. Marijana Dukić Mijatović,PhD, a member of the City Council in charge of Administration and Regulations Milan Đurić, a member of the City Council in charge of Utility Affairs Vladimir Stojković, a member of the City Council in charge of Economy Goran Sečujski, and deputy Head of the Mayor’s Office Miodrag Milošević, held a meeting in the City Hall with the members of the European Parliament and the members of the European Court of Auditors, which was also attended by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure Imre Kern.
The members of the European Parliament's Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee along with members of the European Court of Auditors dedicated special attention during the meeting to the analysis of the current state of the project funded by the European Union, in terms of the construction of the Žeželj Bridge in Novi Sad. Although admittedly the efforts to soon bring to closure the Žeželj Bridge construction of the City Administration, as the partner with the Government of Serbia, the Provincial Government of the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, the European Commission and the "Serbian Railways" are evident, the officials agreed that it is still necessary to make the maximum effort of all involved stakeholders in this complex project. The Mayor also stressed that Novi Sad is the City which is most affected by the situation of delay in the construction of this road-rail bridge, because it is on its territory and represents an important road infrastructure. He referred to the fact that the City is not the only actor in the whole process and that the views of the City in solving of its problems are not shared with those that the Provincial Government has in relation to the same issue.
Chair of European Parliament's Stabilization and Association Parliamentary Committee, Eduard Kukan, who is currently on a visit to Serbia, expressed great satisfaction that, besides Belgrade, the Delegation of the European Union also visited Novi Sad, and that he had an opportunity to personally, in direct contact with the City officials, assure himself of how dedicated Novi Sad is in its efforts to join the European Union and how devoted it is to the politics of the Prime Minister and the Government of the Republic of Serbia aimed at European integrations.
The State Secretary of the Ministry of Civil Engineering, Transport and Infrastructure Imre Kern assessed that the Provincial Government is not taking all the necessary steps to promptly solve the big problem of the Žeželj Bridge construction and that it represents an obstacle in overcoming the burning issue. Mr. Kern emphasized great support of the competent Ministry of the Government of the Republic of Serbia which will employ concrete measures to participate in the completion of the entire process. The measures involve the redirection of funds allocated for the Žeželj Bridge from the City Budget and the Provincial Budget to the Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, which will use that joint budget to act as an investor in the project.
Mayor Miloš Vučević thanked for the visit and expressed great satisfaction that the City of Novi Sad has recognized the desire and intention to approach the EU standards and the dedication with which they are implemented, in accordance with the city development strategy and in harmony with the politics of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and the route to the European Union accession.
Novi Sad, 20th March 2015