Representatives of eight European cities which have been firmly supporting Novi Sad for the last several years, as well as its 2021 European Culture Capital Candidacy, visited Novi Sad and held a meeting with City officials and representatives of the Organization Board. Their visit to Novi Sad is the final major event prior to the Conference of the Council of Danube Cities and Regions in Brussels on October 16th, at which Novi Sad will present and submit its candidacy. Following the meeting, a press conference was held at the City Hall Banquet Room, at which Member of the Novi Sad City Council in charge for Culture Mr. Vanja Vučеnоvić welcomed the guests and extended his gratitude for their support.
- After four years, we have reached the end of the candidacy process. We have done many things and I believe our efforts will bring results, and that Novi Sad will be European Culture Capital in 2021. In this endeavor we were assisted by numerous cultural institutions in Novi Sad, various associations and organizations, the media, as well as by the entire public, and this is an excellent opportunity to extend them our most sincere gratitude. – stated Mr. Vučеnоvić adding that: – We owe a special gratitude to our partners, the cities which already were culture capitals, or are yet to become ones. During the meeting with their representatives, we ascertained that Novi Sad has substantial arguments for this prestigious title, and that we can win it provided we continue with the effort, which is indeed complex, but which can bring substantial benefits in the overall development perspective for our city.
The guests were also addressed by the Novi Sad 2021 ECC Program Director Mr. Моmčilо Bајаc, General Coordinator of the Council of Danube Cities and Regions Mr. Pеtеr Lаngеr, Deputy Mayor of the City of Osijek Mr. Vlаdimir Hаm, as well as the by Pécs 2010 ECC Artistic Director Mr. Мártоn Мéhеs, who pointed out that rich art scene, revitalization of old facilities and of the Chinese District, as well as the citizens’ participation within the project, represent some of our strongest trump cards. According to Mr. Langer, Nоvi Sаd as a multiethnic and multicultural environment boasting excellent cooperation with the Danube Region, with lively and colorful, but also a painful history, authentic architecture, opulent cultural and scientific life, as well as the citizens with open spirit and mind, should indeed become the European Culture Capital and continue its urban development through culture.
During the event, academician and architect Mr. Vојislаv Dеvić presented his work “Fundаmеntаl and Creative Potentials of Novi Sad”. Within the program of the International Support to the Novi Sad Candidacy, the ITD Gallery will host an exhibition at the Petrovaradin Fortress, displaying 50 postcards sent to Novi Sad by European artists supporting our city for the 2021 ECC. Along with this exhibition, visitors will be also able to see the “Vojvodina as Multicultural Nursery Garden” presentation.
In Nоvi Sаd, September 14th 2015