Member of the City Council in charge for Culture Mr. Vаnjа Vučеnоvić attended the celebration of the 170th anniversary of the Novi Sad City Library, the cultural institution which owes its existence to the Novi Sad Serbian Reading Room.
- In the first half of the 19th century, at the time our people was under foreign rule, it was immensely important to nurture the national spirit and maintain its identity. The City Library, once the Serbian Library, contributed to this holy cause and enabled that Serbian literary word reach a greater number of people. The Serbian Reading Room exceeded with its influence its original purpose, and due to its economic strength and enterprising spirit became the hub of Serbian cultural life and the founder of numerous institutions and institutes. Its doors were always open to all the citizens who lived in these areas, regardless of their religion or nation. With its activities, it contributed to gender equality, which is why we got the women’s reading room called ‘Pоsеstrime’. Apart from its glorious past, the City Library even today stands for a representative and active cultural institution of the City of Novi Sad. It embellishes and enriches our lives. In hoping it will continue to find ways to recruit even more of its reading audience, as well as to continue to thread the well-paved way of serving its humane goals, I congratulate the representatives of the City Library its 170th anniversary, and I wish them a lot of success in their future work – stated Mr. Vučеnоvić.
Day of the City Library was marked with appropriate programs, and the celebration event itself followed the opening of the exhibition ‘A Tradition that obliges’. At the main entrance to the City Library, ‘Chaos Animators – Free Team’ held their performance ‘Library – the house of awesome information’.
Since the Library also celebrates 60th anniversary of the Children Department, the only separate library department working with children and young ones, the program also included the pupils of Novi Sad schools. The Great Hall of the ‘Rаdnički’ Local Community held a theatrical performance ‘In the Library’, prepared by the 2nd and 4th grade pupils of the ‘Dоsitеј Оbrаdоvić’ Primary School, followed by the gathering of the ‘Žarko Zrenjanin’ Primary School pupils and the children’s author Ms. Јоvаna Kulаuzоv Rеba, the author of the first picture book on the Nemanjići Dynasty, as well as on our great scientist Mihajlo Pupin.
In Nоvi Sаd, September 23rd 2015