Zaz promised a fun time at Petrovaradin Fortress

Cantat Novi Sad organized press conference in the Park Hotel to announce the concert of French singer Zaz that will be held on Petrovaradin Fortress. On behalf of the city, mayor Igor Pavličić wished Zaz welcome and a good time to all the visitors.
-We’ll make sure to be good hosts as usual and as everyone expects us to be. I know that a lot of people will come to the Fortress and that we will all have great time together. I am glad we managed to organize such an attractive concert during the International Week of Choral Singing in Novi Sad – said mayor Pavličić.
Zaz said that the music she performs reflects her inner condition and added that the world would be much better if everyone found their real self. Her exceptional vocal performance, as she points out, is not a result of persistant practice, but her longtime experience of singing in different situations. As she explained, she used to sing in the street, under a bridge, in the rain and sunshine. At the end of the conference, Zaz promised a fun time and said that the duration of the concert will depend on the audience.
Novi Sad, August 24th, 2011