Mayor of the City of Novi Sad Mr. Miloš Vučević attended the Solemn Academy held at the Serbian National Theater, on the occasion of ‘Kosovo and Metohija Days in Novi Sad’ manifestation, organized together by the City of Novi Sad and the Municipality of Gračanica. The Solemn Academy was also attended by the President of the National Assembly of the Republic of Serbia Ms. Maja Gojković, Minister for Labour, Employment, Veterans’ and Social Affairs Mr. Aleksandar Vulin, Vice Prime Minister of the Kosovo Government Mr. Branimir Stojanović, Director of the Kosovo and Metohija Office Mr. Marko Đurić, clergy of the Raška-Prizren Eparchy, representatives of the Serbian Orthodox Church, as well as other numerous guests.
In his address, Mayor Miloš Vučević emphasized that he is proud, elated and honored that the City of Novi Sad is hosting the ‘Kosovo and Metohija Days’ Manifestation.
- At the time we were discussing the organization of this event, we could hardly imagine that it would take place in the same week of our great victory. A great victory for Serbia, a great victory for all of us. The victory at UNESCO is the victory for our holy places and sites, for Kosovo and Metohija which is simply another name for all that is most valuable that we gave to the Christian Civilization. We have nothing that can compare to it throughout our history, neither in our geography. We have no steadier stronghold, neither greater spiritual center point. And we do not have more courageous and so daring people, people who live their faith. This is what we dedicate these days to. We speak of ourselves, of our holy places, of our people, of real life outside the grips of politics. We speak of what more is necessary to make kindergartens and schools in Kosovo and Metohija be full. Because this would mean we accomplished success – that our struggle and our faith were not in vain – said Mayor Vučević.
Director of the Kosovo and Metohija Office Mr. Marko Đurić pointed out that Novi Sad is the leader in support to our people of Kosovo and Metohija, and that it can serve as the example to other cities in Serbia.
- Today we send out a message of unity, of solidarity and unity of all citizens of Serbia, Novi Sad and Vojvodina, Kosovo and Metohija, with the ultimate wish to show that we are one, regardless to where we live, that we are above all people ready to help our compatriots of Kosovo and Metohija – said Mr. Đurić.
Vice Prime Minister of the Kosovo Government Mr. Branimir Stojanović addressed the attendants by stating that tonight is an extraordinary opportunity for Serbs from Kosovo and Metohija to present themselves in a different way than what has been the case in the last 15 years.
- We shall continue to guard Serbian cultural heritage and keepers of all that is beautiful and what has been enduring for centuries among Serbs of Kosovo and Metohija. I am grateful to the City of Novi Sad for being the first once again, and that it has always been the first to help us when it needed – pointed out Mr. Stojanović.
Yesterday and today, the Municipality of Gračanica presented its touristic offer, primarily in the area of religious tourism (the Gračanica Monastery), and apart from the representatives of this municipality, Novi Sad also hosted representative of all other Serbian municipalities from Kosovo and Metohija.
In Novi Sad, November 15th 2015