Renewable Energy in Cities ("REC")
SHORT PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The lead beneficiary is the City of Osijek, while the City of Novi Sad is the project partner. The aim of the project is to raise awareness about the importance of the development and use of renewable energy, through joint work, exchange of knowledge and experience and through workshops in 12 cities in Vojvodina, as well as through the creation of promotional material and a demo classroom in the Vocational Secondary School of Electrical Engineering "Mihajlo Pupin". The project implementation provides Novi Sad with a complete energy audit of five public buildings, which will serve as a basis for making decisions about their reconstruction, while the implementation of the Energy Management Information System (EMIS) ensures systematic monitoring and energy management in public buildings.
PROJECT VALUE: The total project value is 447,264.00 EUR, out of which 188,061.64 EUR refer to the City of Novi Sad.