The City of Novi Sad is paving the way of the Smart Cities already present in the world, which is witnessed by numerous projects that have been implemented for several past years in the City. All of them will be presented in the framework of an international conference of IoT Week (Internet of Things Week) which is to take place from May 31st to June 2nd , at the Hotel Crowne Plaza in Belgrade. The IoT Week is organized by IoT FORUM, an association that brings together professionals at the international level, as well as companies and universities operating in the field of the Internet of things and it organizes events in order to strengthen the cooperation in this field, while the official host of this year’s edition of IoT conference in Belgrade is DunavNET Company.
In addition to presenting CLIPS, WeLive, SocIoTal and MobiWallet projects, described in more details below, this year's IoT Week in Belgrade will feature a free workshop on Smart Cities, focusing on data privacy.
On this occasion, we are inviting representatives of cities and municipalities from throughout Serbia to join the workshop and engage in discussions, and - following the example of Novi Sad and those cities that are close to adoption of the Smart City concept - to start considering how technology could change their cities, as well.
Workshop on data privacy in Smart Cities will be held on Tuesday 31st May 2016, starting at 14.00 p.m., at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Belgrade, Vladimira Popovića 10, in Adriatic Room. All participants will also have the opportunity to visit the exhibition part of the IoT week.
Registration for the workshop is available at IoT Week website at: . You need to choose CLIPS-smart cities for the type ticket, and then to enter the code: CLIPS2016IoTW in the Promotional code box. By entering this code the registration will be free of charge.
The aim of the project is a smart installation of public services i.e. their relocation in the 'cloud'. The basis of the Novi Sad pilot project is to provide access to the accounts of the unified billing of the PUC” Informatics”, as well as the possibility to report the utility problems through MojNS application, while publicly available data allow citizens to access to the information that the City of Novi Sad has at its base, through the portal: .
• WeLive
WeLive represents the concept of public administration based on mobile urban services co-created by citizens. This is a service for creating solutions for efficient and transparent functioning of public city services and the creation of services with the active engagement of citizens in the planning of city development and their daily management.
• SocIoTal
This project focuses on the development of services and applications for citizens and developers who can develop their services through the web and mobile environments. SocIoTal technology and tools will also be the basis for creating new services and applications in the context of IoT Week 2016 Hackathon, whose prize money is 10,000 euros.
• MobiWallet
"Digital wallet" – the project implemented in cooperation with City Public Transportation Company “JGSP Novi Sad” in order to create a system based on modern IT technology and GPS devices, which facilitates the use of public transport and offers customers the opportunity to purchase tickets via mobile app as well as additional content (the exact location of buses waiting, tourist information center for visitors, information on the environmental conditions of parts of the city).
The projects are financed from EU funds for scientific research purposes (FP7, CIP and Horizon2020) and are implemented by the City of Novi Sad, PUC ”Informatics”, City Public Transportation Company “JGSP Novi Sad” and DunavNET Company, in cooperation with partners from Italy, Germany, Spain, Great Britain, France, the Netherlands, Finland and Australia.
Novi Sad, 19th May 2016