Mayor of Novi Sad Miloš Vučević, General Manager of "Ikarbus" Aleksandar Vićentić, Acting Manager of the Novi Sad Public Transportation Company Milan Stanivuković and Acting Head of the City Administration for Transport and Roads Viktorija Paunović visited the vehicle fleet of the Novi Sad Public Transportation Company, which has been enhanced by five new "Ikarbus" rigid buses.
- I am especially pleased that the buses have been bought from a domestic producer, as it had been announced in the previous period that attention would be paid on the renewal of the vehicle fleet and support to the domestic bus production. The Novi Sad Public Transportation Company bought five new buses and it is important that we continue to invest in the vehicle fleet which had not been renewed in years. We had allocated 90 million RSD in the budget for that purpose, while the contract value was 77,565,000 RSD without VAT. On the City level we made the decision that the renewal strategy is better than favoring the Bus Plus system which has not been adequately defined. Moreover, public procurement of six low-floor diesel buses with the wheelchair lift is in progress – said Mayor Vučević, emphasizing that the Novi Sad Public Transportation Company is definitely a city transport leader among Serbian local self-governments.
Acting Head of the City Administration for Transport and Roads Viktorija Paunović expressed support for the management of the Novi Sad Public Transportation Company which has provided high-quality and reliable transportation to citizens. General Manager of "Ikarbus" Aleksandar Vićentić after a long period had an opportunity to deliver buses to Novi Sad, owing to the fact that the City of Novi Sad and the city transportation company recognized the need to support local production.
New buses have three doors, air-conditioning, upholstered seats and electronic displays, as well wheelchair lifts. Employees of the Novi Sad Public Transportation Company have also started the bus body repair on their own, renovating the vehicle fleet in that way as well.
Novi Sad, 9th April 2015