Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Miloš Vučević and Member of the City Council in charge for Education Mr. Vladimir Jelić, MSc, attended the ceremony dedicated to the Day of the Jovan Dučić Primary School, in Petrovaradin. Headmaster Ružica Pavlović briefed the City officials about the recently completed adaptation and renovation of the school building in Preradovićeva Street, after which Mayor Vučević and Mr. Jelić followed a presentation given by the school students on their technical classroom “smart” blackboard.
- Investment into education, into our children and our schools is the best form of investment, since it is solely the knowledge that enables us to go further into better future. City of Novi Sad, since 2013, allocated 37 million RSD for renovation of this school’s two buildings. This certainly gives us right to claim that it is only with responsible policy that one can take care of primary and secondary school education. Jovan Dučić Primary School has been wrongfully neglected for a number of years, along with the entire Syrmian side of Novi Sad, and the current City Administration proves that such attitude has radically changed within the last two years. And we will not stop there. Soon, the newly renovated Preschool Institution Kindergarten opens its doors, and we thereby prove that we continue with the responsible policy. We prove our responsibility every day, by taking care of the infrastructure, in order to create best possible education conditions for our youngest ones. The fact certainly worth of praise is the return of previously neglected extracurricular activities as an important educational segment, a segment that is of the utmost importance for proper development of every single pupil. – said Mayor Vučević and congratulated all students and their teachers the Day of School.
Member of the City Council Mr. Jelić emphasized that the City of Novi Sad, through its Education Administration, provided considerable funds for renovation of the school’s two buildings, as well as that in 2015, the School has been granted 390,000 RSD for whitewashing and painting of its entire premises of some 2800 m2.
Classes in the Jovan Dučić Primary Schools are held in two separate buildings. Teaching in the building in 2a Franja Malin Street is attended by 110 young-class pupils, while teaching in the Preradović Street building is attended by 761 pupils.
In Novi Sad, March 23rd 2015