Member of the City Council in charge of economy Mr. Goran Sečujski, MSc, and deputy manager of the National Employment Service Mr. Dragan Sikimić opened the first edition of this year's Job Fair organized by the City of Novi Sad and the National Employment Service. The event is held on April 23rd in the west hall of PC “Sports and Business Center Vojvodina”, from 10 a.m. to 15 p.m., and so far the majority of employers have applied, 69 of them with 435 jobs on offer.
- According to the data, by 2014, every fourth person who brought his/her CV to the Fair, found an employment within 6 following months. The City has allocated 103.3 million RSD for new employment this year, with three ongoing calls. The public call for self-employment will be closed by the end of this month, since 90 business plans have already been submitted. Likewise, there is a public call for subsidies for job creation, where employers can get 200.000 RSD per job created; while there is also a call for public works where our priority are less employable persons. In addition, there will be a public call for the employment of interns in May. The measure in question will cover 120 young people, 90 with a university diploma and 30 with a secondary school diploma. The month of June has been reserved for the Public call “Professional Practice” - Mr. Goran Sečujski, MSc, emphasized.
He added that there is a huge interest in self-employment subsidies, pointing out that since last year all the persons receiving funding from the City for starting their own business have also been getting free training in the fields necessary for business management.
According to the Deputy Manager of the National Employment Service Mr. Sikimić, it has been shown in practice that fairs are an effective measure, offering direct contact between job seekers and employers.
- The structure of jobs at the Fair covers a wide range of educational profiles. This year we have allocated 2.8 billion dinars for active employment measures, as well as 500 million for employment of people with disabilities. I am expecting these funds to be implemented and that they will contribute to the decrease in unemployment – said Mr. Sikimić, adding that it is extremely important to provide more practical work in education, in order to harmonize it with the labor market requirements.
As Mr. Sikimić assessed, it is important to contribute to greater employment of people, while the priority is to involve young people in the labor market, since the general objective is to realize all their potentials in our country.
Novi Sad, 23rd April 2015