Member of the City Council for Economy Mr. Goran Sečujski, MSc, attended a Conference “Is entrepreneurship for me?”. During 2016, the Centre for the promotion and development of society - IDS Novi Sad has implemented a series of activities aimed at promoting of entrepreneurship titled "Join together to increase the competitiveness of the economy in the year of entrepreneurship" with the support of the City Administration for Economy Novi Sad.
- The development of entrepreneurship and encouraging of the entrepreneurial spirit, especially among young people, is very important and that is why we, in Novi Sad, are supporting this event. By organizing this conference we are marking ten years since the establishment of the UNESCO Chair for Entrepreneurial Studies. At one point, UNESCO Chair hosted the Global Entrepreneurship Week 2008, and then Serbia practically appeared on the map of countries that have marked this week of entrepreneurship. Given the fact that the City of Novi Sad in the last few years pays special attention to the development of entrepreneurship, we see this event as an opportunity to present what we do, but at the same time and we can see what it being done at the University. The City of Novi Sad has been supporting entrepreneurship since 2013, notably through financial assistance to those who want to start a private business, and to all those persons who are registered with the National Employment Service, and on the other hand, enabling them with some kind of mentoring through free training that is provided by the City of Novi Sad - said Mr. Goran Sečujski.
Since its establishment, the UNESCO Chair for Entrepreneurial Studies at the University of Novi Sad (UCES) has been actively involved in the promotion of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial culture, both at the University and in the wider community. It is focused on student entrepreneurship, linking universities and industry, supporting innovation.
The UCES has been implementing its educational mission through "Entrepreneurship" master studies, to which enrolled the eighth generation of students this year. So far, the study has been attended by over 80 students. The studies are carried out in English and Serbian languages and up to date they have retain the character of regional studies, with teachers from Bosnia and Herzegovina and Macedonia.
Novi Sad, 21st April 2016