The first underground public garage in Novi Sad near Banovina building, in the City center, was opened to public today and was visited by Milan Đurić, the Mayor of Novi Sad. Drivers can utilize this state-of-the-art, fully automated garage with elevator in public use mode around the clock, even on weekends and holidays. Announcements from "Best in Parking - Holding AG" state that users will be able to purchase monthly and annual tickets, with cash and payment cards, and that parking will cost 50 dinars for an hour during the introductory two-month period and 100 dinars after that. There are 167 parking spaces spread across two stories of the 6,280 m2 garage. There are 88 parking places on the second underground level and 79 on the first underground level, nine of which are designated for electric vehicles and nine for vehicles belonging to individuals with disabilities. The garage is intended to be accessed via Vladika Platona Street, with Banovinski Passage serving as the exit. The garage's above-ground components will all be green, with a layer of vegetation growing on the roof. This public area is fully secure and devoid of any barriers from the outside. A few weeks ago, the plateau near the bus station and the green spaces were landscaped; benches and trash cans were positioned, and walkways were laid out.
- We are still working to create Novi Sad's future in accordance with all of our residents. The City of Serbian Athens is expanding daily, and four years ago, under the leadership of Miloš Vučević, we as a local government realized we needed a new parking area and bravely took on all the problems this mission would bring. I can now claim that all of the work has paid off when we visit one of the four new public garages that are planned and are situated close to the Banovina building. To the great satisfaction of every Novi Sad resident, the first stage of our commitment to increase the city's parking capacity is now complete. It is also important for city guests, tourists, who will now have a garage to park their car in the very center of the city. This is the beginning of delineating the contours of a new face of Novi Sad - said the Mayor Milan Đurić and added that the construction of a garage near the Railway station is also planned.
11,954 more parking spots were constructed on public property between 2012 and 2023, and in 2024, this trend will persist. Consequently, the Concession Agreement-covered public garages that are being built will provide Novi Sad with more than 1,200 additional parking spots in the upcoming years. Two other public garages are planned in Novi Sad's downtown, at the intersection of Šafarikova and Uspenska streets as well as on Republic Square, in addition to the one that is now operational near Banovina and the one on Modena Street that will open for business shortly.
Novi Sad, 6th September 2024