Head of the mayor’s office of the City of Novi Sad Aleksandar Petrović, who is also a chairman of the Organizing Committee of the event “The Presentation of Economic and Cultural Potentials of Novi Sad for Businessmen and Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps in the Russian Centre” held a press conference on the occasion of this event which will be held on Friday 29th March starting at 18 pm. The Conference was also attended by the mayor’s assistant Vanja Vučenović, a member of the City Council for Culture Milanka Brkić, a member of the City Council for economy Goran Sečujski and a director of the Tourist Organization of Novi Sad Branislav Knežević.
As it was announced by Aleksandar Petrović, the investment potentials and available sites will be presented by the Head of the Local Economic Development Office, Olivera Simović. The member of the City Council for economy Goran Sečujski will talk about the agricultural sector, while the director of the Tourist Organization of Novi Sad Branislav Knežević and his assistant Radovan Jokić will present touristic potentials of Novi Sad.
- This is a very serious step of the city administration to animate investors to invest in Novi Sad, because our city deserves to move from the deadlock. In the future the same presentations will be organized for investors from Italy, Germany and other countries. Moreover, the City of Novi Sad has excellent relations with the Russian Federation and especially with the twin City of Nizhny Novgorod with which we are organizing the Festival of Slavic literacy in May this year, which will be the first of its kind in Serbia- Aleksandar Petrović added.
Furthermore, the member of the City Council for Culture Milanka Brkić, will draw special attention to the traditional cultural values of Novi Sad and she will also present Novi Sad’s activities in the framework of the realization of its initiatives for candidacy for the European Capital of Culture 2020.
Likewise, it was announced that the event will also include artistic program with the Folk Ensemble “Vila”, while in the lobby of the Russian Centre, the sales exhibition of traditional crafts as well as the photography exhibition of Novi Sad by Darko Dozet will take place.
Novi Sad, 27th March 2013