On the occasion of July 4th – the Veteran’s Day – and July 7th – the Day of the Uprise against Fascism – Member of the City Council in charge for Culture Mr. Vanja Vučenović laid wreaths at the Novi Sad Memorial Cemetery, as well as at the Memorial of the Novi Sad Partisan Battalion, in Čenej.
- Today we pay our respect to all the heroes of the people’s liberation struggle who gave their lives for freedom, thanks to whom today we live in peace. If we forget the past, we cannot count on secure and certain future, which is why the City of Novi Sad joins this commemoration every year. – said Mr. Vučenović.
The wreath-laying ceremony was also attended by the representatives of Novi Sad SUBNOR Association and of the Army Officers Reserve Corps for Novi Sad. President of the Novi Sad SUBNOR Association Mr. Milan Vukilić pointed out the immense importance of these traditional commemorations and that the victims and veterans of the struggle against fascism must never be forgotten.
In Novi sad, July 3rd 2015