Mayor of Novi Sad Mr. Miloš Vučević visited the Budisava settlement, following the completion of 6-kilometer construction works of sewage network. Last year, PE “City Construction and Development” built more than 7 kilometers of sewage network, and now the works have been completed in the North Eastern part of the settlement. The works were done by the Bulevar Company LLC, with the contracted value of 41.721.594 RSD.
- In 2014 and 2015, PE “City Construction and Development” successfully completed Budisava settlement sewage network construction. Within the last two years, they laid 13 kilometers of sewage pipes, which amounts to two thirds of the entire settlement’s area coverage. PE “City Construction and Development” already has the entire design for the last remaining phase of the construction, and I truly hope that in the early 2016 the entire settlement will be completely covered. Major part of the problem which has been plaguing the residents for several decades, is now solved through this investment, primarily thanks to the efforts of the PE “City Construction and Development”, which managed to complete the works prior to the agreed deadline. – said Mayor Vučević.
The part that has been constructed so far belongs to the Basin 2 and 3, and can function as an independent unit, thereby providing the requirement to connect the majority of Budisava households to the network. The newly-built network in the North Eastern part encompasses Petefi Šandor Street (from Partisan to Šajkaška Street), Cara Dušana Street (from Partisan to Šajkaška Street), Šajkaška Street (from Vojvođanska to Petefi Šandor Street), Petra Drapsšina Street (from Vojvođanska to Petefi Šandor Street), Železnička Street, a well as the smaller part of Vojvođanska Street.
Assistant to the General Manager of PE “City Construction and Development”, in charge for Technical Affairs, Ms. Zorica Ninić-Stupar, said that within the contracted works, apart from constructing the network itself, hydro-mechanical and electrical equipment was installed for the pumping station located in the green belt area in the Vojvođanska Street. Ms. Ninić-Stupar also added that collected and cross-pumped waste water from Budisava will be discharged through pressurized pipelines, some 1100 m in length, and further diverted to Kać, and to the City sewage system.
In Nоvi Sаd, May 7th 2015