Mayor of the City of Novi Sad Mr. Мilоš Vučеvić and the Head of the South Bаčka Administrative County Mr. Zоrаn Мilоšеvić received today at the Novi Sad City Hall the Scottish delegation who organized collection and transport of humanitarian aid from Glasgow – Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Cathcart Mr. James Dornan and Director for International Development of the ‘Glasgow the Caring City’ Organization Mr. Ross Galbraith.
- I extend my gratitude to the Scottish delegation for the humanitarian aid they brought today to Serbia. We are talking about 17.5 t of goods consisting of clothing and personal hygiene necessities. The people of Scotland have shown their exceptional solidarity with the displaced population of Syria, but also towards our people as well. Our country is in an extremely complex situation regarding migrants, it has been exposed to serious obligations and it came forth with a responsible policy aimed towards those in need. I am most grateful to the South Bаčka Administrative County, which was most involved in establishing the bridge of cooperation with the representatives of the Scottish Parliament, and I am also very grateful to Mr. Dornan’s appearance and speech at the Scottish Parliament, where he spoke very affirmatively about our country’s role and our political leadership’s reaction throughout the refugee crisis. It was there as well that Mr. Dornan pointed out that the Republic of Serbia is the true example of how to treat refugees in one such complex situation – said Mr. Vučеvić and added that the aid intended for refugees is stored at the Novi Sad Red Cross Warehouse, and that further distribution is the responsibility of the state institutions.
Member of the Scottish Parliament for Glasgow Carthcart Mr. James Dornan extended his gratitude for the warm welcome, expressing his admiration to the way people in Novi Sad are offering aid throughout the entire process of the migration period.
- ‘Glasgow the Caring City’ Organization sent an entire truckload of humanitarian aid of soap and cold weather clothing, in order to assist Serbia’s efforts in helping the refugees. We wanted to offer our support to Serbia, since your country showed compassion towards those who were misfortunate. The aim is to offer help to thousands of refugees and migrants who are currently passing through Serbia, and this is the first such delivery enabling us to establish closer cooperation with Novi Sad – said Mr. Dornan.
In Nоvi Sаd, October 12th 2015