The Novi Sad Basketball Youth League, organized for the third time by the Novi Sad District Basketball Association, under the patronage of the City of Novi Sad, started today at the Great Hall of the SBC ‘Vojvodina’. The opening ceremony was attended by the Deputy Mayor Mr. Borkо Ilić, Member of the Novi Sad City Council in charge for Sports and Youth Mr. Prеdrаg Svilаr, as well as by the representatives of the Serbia Basketball Association, Vojvodina Basketball Association, District Basketball Association, and the SBC ‘Vojvodina’.
- Basketball Youth League is one of Novi Sad’s most important sport projects, within which over 1000 children, for the third year in a row, have been competing in best possible conditions, entirely free of charge, using the SPENS sports facility. This represents a great example how sports associations should work with young categories, but also how local self-governments should support young athletes. It is due to these conditions and high quality of work that two Novi Sad teams have been drafted, made of best young players, who had the opportunity to represent their city both home and abroad, and who have been already achieving truly outstanding results. – stated Mr. Svilаr.
According to the President of the Novi Sad District Association Mr. Zlаtko Bоlić, this competition is gaining in popularity every year, i.e. every year we have a larger number of teams applying to compete in our League.
- One of the more significant achievements of our work is certainly the establishment of two city teams, selected from the most successful participants, born in 2001 and 2002. They competed at the Young Athletes Olympics in Klagenfurt, where they won first and third place, of what we are all very proud. It is our intention to form the 2003 and 2004 teams, encompassing thereby all the age categories competing within our League – pointed out M. Bоlić.
Within the Novi Sad MK League 2015/2016, there are 52 teams from Novi Sad and the surrounding municipalities, i.e. over 1000 boys and girls from 10 to 15 years of age. The matches are played at the SBC ‘Vојvоdinа’ Great Sports Hall, from 8.30 AM to 4 PM every Saturday, until May 31st, when the finals will be played and prizes awarded to most successful teams.
In Nоvi Sаd, October 10th 2015